In the event of a fire

If there is a fire inside your flat, you should:

  • Take your normal route out – BUT do not use the lift. If you cannot safely use the stairs alone go to a refuge point or place of safety (e.g., a neighbour’s flat) and call 999.
  • Do not stop to investigating what has happened or attempt to rescue belongings – get out, stay out and call 999 when safe to do so.
  • Always close the door on a fire, this will slow down the spread of fire and smoke.
  • Meet with the fire service when they arrive to give them information on the fire’s location.


If there is a fire elsewhere in your building:

  • Follow your buildings evacuation procedures.
  • If your buildings procedure is to stay put, remain in your flat unless there is smoke or flames entering. If you need to escape call 999 and wait for directions.
  • If your buildings procedure is to evacuate do so calmly and safely. If you are unable to escape for any reason, go to a place that is clear of smoke and call 999.
  • If firefighters need you to evacuate, they will make contact with you.
  • Tune into (local radio station) who will give updates on your building’s evacuation strategy.
  • Watch SWFRS social media (add links) for regular updates on the fire and any change to the evacuation strategy.

If you are cut off by fire:

  • If your escape route is blocked by fire or smoke, stay inside a room that is clear of smoke, ideally with a window that opens and call 999.
  • Keep the door closed and use towels or bedding at the bottom of the door to block the smoke.
  • If safe to do so go to a balcony or window so that you can be seen. DO NOT jump.
  • Wait to be rescued by a firefighter and listen to all advice given by fire control.


If at any time you feel unsafe or unsure call 999 for further information and advice.


Things to expect if there is a fire in your building.

  • Alarms sounding. This may or may not be a signal for you to evacuate your building. Please ensure you know and follow your buildings evacuation procedure.
  • A loud mechanical sound. If your building is fitted with a ventilation system you may hear a fan, this is normal and part of the buildings way of clearing smoke.
  • There will be a considerable number of fire appliances and firefighters at your building, do not be alarmed. It takes a lot of firefighters to safely extinguish a fire in a highrise building due to the additional physical effort needed.
  • Firefighters will establish a “bridgehead” bellow the floor effected by fire. This will be a busy and noisy area.
  • There will be a number of hose lines laid in the stairway, if you need to leave the building, please be careful when descending the stairs.
  • Smoke curtains. These are used to prevent smoke spreading through the building, they can simply be pushed aside for you to leave.
  • Smoke hoods. If you need to be assisted from your building through smoke firefighters will help you to fit a smoke hood, this will allow you to safely leave the building. You will be able to remove it once you are outside in safe air.