Equality and Diversity

Equality is about people and Diversity is about valuing – it’s that simple. At South Wales Fire and Rescue Service, we know embracing genuine equality and diversity is an ongoing journey.

Strategic Equality Plan 2023-26

Please read our Strategic Equality Plan for 2023-2026, which introduces our strategic equality outcomes for the next three years.

The outcomes will be built into what we do, with every corporate action being related to one or more of them. This allows for us to accurately monitor improvements and increase our service to all of our communities.

You can read our South Wales Fire and Rescue Service Strategic Equality Plan 2023-2026 below:

Strategic Equality Plan Review 2023-2024

You can read our 2023-2024 review of South Wales Fire Rescue Service’s Strategic Equality Plan here.

Strategic Equality Plan 2020-23

Strategic Equality Plan Review 2022-2023

You can read our 2022-2023 review of South Wales Fire Rescue Service’s Strategic Equality Plan here.

Strategic Equality Plan Review 2021-2022

You can read our 2021-2022 review of South Wales Fire Rescue Service’s Strategic Equality Plan here.

Annual Equality Report 2020-2021

If you want to have a look at how we did in 2021/22 in meeting our requirements under the Equality Act (2010) and the Wales Specific Duties, please read our Annual Equality Report 2021-2022

We are passionate about:

  • Making everyone in our communities safer
  • Being an employer that reflects all the people we serve
  • Treating both the public and our staff with dignity and respect

Certain groups are attacked, bullied, excluded from opportunities and denied access simply because they are seen as ‘less than’ due to their age, sex, disability, gender, accent, pigment, or who they love.

Equality Laws exist to address these real issues and, as a Service funded by the public, we work hard to not just comply with, but to also exceed, these legal requirements.

We recognise that the wide community we serve is rich and varied and we are dedicated to meeting different needs to the same high standard, as not everyone is the same. One of the very best ways for us to do this is to ensure the very best people, from our diverse community, are working for us.

From this page you can find links to:

Key Partners


White Ribbon Campaign

Mind Cymru

United Nations International Days

Time To Change Wales

South Wales Fire and Rescue Service is a public body and it is vital that every person receives the very best from us.

Whether it is in our position as an employer or as a provider of services, Equality Laws (Equality Act 2010, Wales Specific Duties, etc) are in place to make sure we do just that.

From this page you can access:

  • Information on the Law
  • Our legal reports
  • Key equality risk assessments
  • Other useful documents

Useful links

Welsh Gov’t Equalities section

Equality and Human Rights Commission

Government Equalities Office