Cardiff Bay 999 Day

South Wales Fire and Rescue Service (SWFRS) is taking over Cardiff Bay’s Roald Dahl Plass on Saturday 9 September 2023 for a BIG emergency services event, packed with exciting rescue demonstrations, competitions and activities for all the family! 

Entry to the event is FREE and you can let us know if you’re coming and see any updates on our Facebook Page.

What demonstrations will there be at the event?

Demonstration timetable is as follows:

  • 11:30 –Road Traffic Collision
  • 12:15 –Water Rescue
  • 13:00 –Rope Rescue
  • 13:45 – Road Traffic Collision
  • 14:30 – Water Rescue

Sbarc will be visiting:

  • 11:00 – 11:20
  • 12:40 – 13:00
  • 15:00 – 15:20

What advice will be available during the event?

We have a dedicated Information Tent, where experts will be available to share specialist information and advice regarding home safety, road safety, education services, recruitment and much more!

Interested in becoming a firefighter, or just want to find out more about a role with SWFRS?

Come and speak to our recruitment experts who will be available in the Information Tent to offer advice and guidance. You’ll also be able to try on fire kit and take on some of our Firefighter Fitness Tests during the event.

Is this a family friendly event?

Yes, the event is a family friendly and all are welcome to attend!

The Information Tent includes an area for Education and Young People Services. There, you’ll be able to hear about the programmes and services we run for children and young people and find out safety information.

We have a number of prizes to win from our Giveaway Wheel, so make sure you stop by the Information Tent for more information!

Before the event…

If you’re planning to attend, be sure to:

  • Plan your journey in advance
  • Leave enough time for parking for the event
  • Check the weather forecast before you travel
  • Check out our line-up so you don’t miss the demo you want to see!
  • Follow us on Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn for information and event updates