Student Fire Safety Week

As fresher’s week kicks off, thousands of new students are flying the nest to head off to universities throughout South Wales. Many will be living alone for the first time in halls of residence or university digs. South Wales Fire and Rescue Service is encouraging students to be cautious and mindful to help decrease the number of accidental fires and minimise risks to themselves and their new housemates.

In South Wales, 40% of fires within student accommodation are caused by cooking, with a common cause being flammable items being left too close to heat sources. Students are urged to take extra care whilst cooking and ensure facilities are clean and functional, and fabrics are kept away from heat sources like the stove, cooker, and any naked flames. We also advise you to never leave cooking unattended, and don’t get distracted or cook whilst under the influence.

Home Safety Manager Marc Davies said: “Electronics are another frequent cause of fires. Last year, there was an increased number caused by lithium-ion battery items. When charging electronic devices, people should never overload plug sockets or extension leads, and always remember to unplug and turn off all devices when not in use and never leave items unattended.”

More tips on how to keep you and your housemates safe can be found here.










📷 Home safety practitioners Julie and Lyndsey joined volunteer Lee at Freshers events.