A Home Safety practitioner will telephone/e-mail/text you and will go through advice with you asking you a few questions about your home. If alarms are required the Home Safety Practitioner will chat through a few options to get those to you. Have you taken our self assessment test to see…
You could be fined or go to prison if you don’t follow fire safety regulations. South Wales Fire and Rescue Authority enforce the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and inspect premises to ensure compliance. We will carry out a wide range of inspections based on risk. We are committed…
South Wales Fire and Rescue Authority is required by the Environment and Safety Information Act 1988 to maintain a public register of notices. The Act requires authorities, to which this Act applies, to establish a public register of relevant notices served concerning health, safety, environmental protection and related issues. SWFRA…
If you have a fire safety concern you can contact us on 01268 909408. Or alternatively complete the form below: On completion, this form will be sent to the South Wales Fire and Rescue Business Fire Safety Team. *We need your details so that we can contact you should we require…
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 places a legal requirement upon Responsible Persons to ensure all relevant people on or in the vicinity of their premises are safe from fire. These responsibilities and safety measures are designed to protect life regardless of…
Fire Risk Assessment Template Carrying out the Assessment Follow our easy five step process: Identify the fire hazards. Identify people at risk. Evaluate, remove or reduce the risks. Record your findings, prepare an emergency plan and provide training. Review and update the Fire Risk Assessment regularly. The Fire Safety…
Why are young drivers more at risk? 25% of drivers and passengers who die are UNDER 25 years of age! Research shows that the combination of youth and inexperience puts younger drivers at high risk. Their inexperience means they have less ability to spot hazards, and their youth means they…
Reducing such injuries is more than providing an efficient emergency response service. It is about providing education to prevent the type of behaviour that leads to the situation in the first instance. The Community Safety and Partnership department provides this education via a number of initiatives. From FREE safe and well visits to…