As Summer 2023 ends, those beginning their first years or returning to university will be taking part in freshers’ weeks across the country. With Freshers falling a week before our own initiative, ‘Student Fire Safety Week’, South Wales Fire and Rescue Service (SWFRS) are combining the messaging to educate new…
We support Welsh Government’s legislative changes to reduce speed limits on restricted roads from 30mph to 20mph as a means of reducing road traffic fatalities and serious injuries in our communities, including in built up areas where people and vehicles mix closely. This should reduce the number of serious incidents our…
This week, UK-ISAR (UK International Search and Rescue Team) was deployed to Morocco supporting the response to the tragic earthquake, killing more than 2,000 lives. Two Welsh ISAR teams are among the 62 strong that are there on the ground, currently helping and supporting with the rescue after being deployed…
South Wales Fire and Rescue Service (SWFRS) is taking over Cardiff Bay’s Roald Dahl Plass on Saturday 9 September 2023 for a BIG emergency services event, packed with exciting rescue demonstrations, competitions and activities for all the family! Entry to the event is FREE and you can let us know…
On Thursday 17 August 2023, South Wales Fire and Rescue Service (SWFRS) attended the Operation Seabird Cymru event in Cardiff Bay, to carry out ‘Waterside Responder’ guidance for Mermaid Quay staff. Waterside Responder is a Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) scheme which provides free guidance and throwlines to venue staff…
South Wales Fire and Rescue Service (SWFRS) introduces new Youth Intervention initiative ‘Street Firefighter’ under the REFLECT Project. The REFLECT Project can be broadly described as a series of interventions which helps develop practical skills, raise awareness of the outcomes of actions and helps build a young person’s resilience and…
This August, we’re launching our new recruitment campaign to highlight the On-Call Firefighter role and recruit for a number of our vacancies across South Wales. On-Call Firefighters play a vital role in our organisation and make up over half of our operational workforce. They help reduce risk and keep the…
Mr. Erdal Kaya and Mr. Erol Kaya were ordered to pay a combined sum of £4,593 for failing to respond to information requests made by South Wales Fire and Rescue Authority (SWFRA) relating to breaches of fire safety within the property. In October 2022, Business Fire Safety Officers from South…
Same skills, different roles, Be More with On-Call. Ever wondered if the skills you use in your current role could be used elsewhere? Want to be part of a team and help keep your community safe? Then maybe you could Be More with On-Call! Throughout the month of August, we’ll…