The pilot scheme will see Firefighters using the devices to capture footage from live incidents for training, incident analysis, and fire investigation. The footage will assist the Service to evaluate and reflect on their own performance and decisions to see if improvements can be made. On large or sensitive incidents…
As part of the Fire Kills Campaign, this Register My Appliance Week (from the 17 to 21 January 2022) South Wales Fire and Rescue Service are urging the public to register their appliances so that they can be notified of product recalls or if a safety repair is ever needed. We all…
Due to the identification of new Coronavirus variants emerging throughout the world, the Welsh Government have made the decision to step-up the vaccination campaign, in particular the booster vaccination roll out. South Wales Fire and Rescue Service staff are continuing to offer support within vaccination centres across South Wales. Staff…
Due to the identification of new Coronavirus variants emerging throughout the world, the Welsh Government have made the decision to step-up the vaccination campaign, in particular the booster vaccination roll out. South Wales Fire and Rescue Service staff are continuing to volunteer and offer support within vaccination centres across South…
On Monday the 20th December 2021, South Wales Fire and Rescue Authority members discussed and approved the decision to gain Living Wage Foundation Accreditation and become a ‘Real Living Wage’ employer. The ‘Real Living Wage’ (RLW) is independently calculated based on what employees and their families need to live and is…
This New Year, South Wales Fire and Rescue Service is recruiting for full-time Firefighters. Is it your ambition to say “I am a Firefighter”? Can you be more than the uniform, more than the badge? To be a Firefighter you need to have great communication skills, be driven and committed,…
It’s that festive time of year, the time to reflect and at South Wales Fire and Rescue Service, we’d like to take the time to remind you to keep yourself and your loved ones safe this Christmas. As many of us will be planning to catch-up with family and friends…
EIGHT assaults every day were committed against Welsh emergency workers during the first six months of this year, new figures have revealed. More than 1,360 assaults were committed in the six-month period from 01 January 2021 – 30 June 2021. They included kicking, slapping, head-butting and verbal abuse, and ranged from common…
Community Fire Stations across South Wales are now designated ‘Safe Havens’ for members of the public who feel threatened, intimidated or at risk. From the 25th November 2021, all 47 South Wales Fire and Rescue Service Stations will be operating as ‘Safe Havens’. This means people who feel vulnerable and…
THE Welsh Ambulance Service has partnered with fire and rescue services to launch a new initiative to better protect vulnerable people at risk of an accident in their home. The new system allows ambulance crews to e-refer at-risk patients to their fire and rescue service counterparts in North, Mid and…