Tactical burning allows Zip World Pheonix Line to re-open

On 9 June 2023, South Wales Fire and Rescue Service (SWFRS) responded to reports of a large-scale wildfire on the Rhigos Mountain. 

Our crews have been working tirelessly to respond to and manage the wildfire alongside emergency service colleagues and partner agencies. 

The wildfire had continued to burn over several days and has destroyed approximately 160 hectares of land – that’s more than 200 football pitches! 

Wildfires, especially ones of this scale, put lives and property of communities at risk – no to mention wildlife and the damage to habitats. On this occasion, the wildfire has also been impacted the local community as roads have been closed and large volumes of smoke have issued in the area. 

Zip World Tower in Hirwaun was also affected by the wildfire, having to close its Phoenix Line due to safety concerns. Our crews completed a tactical burn to help protect the surrounding areas and after conducting rigorous safety checks and risk assessments, the tourist attraction was able to reopen.  

A spokesperson from Zip World said:  

“We would like to thank South Wales Fire and Rescue Service for their hard work to contain and extinguish the fire, as well as their regular updates and professional advice throughout this time.” 

Our Fire Crime Unit, in partnership with both South Wales and Gwent Police, have been actively raising awareness of the consequences of deliberate fire setting within our communities.   

We urge everyone to be vigilant and report any information of deliberate fire setting to Crimestoppers 0800 555 111.