Our Performance
Despite significant financial challenges, we recognise that safer communities can only be achieved by challenging and improving the way we work, through a safe and competent workforce and by effectively managing our resources. Therefore, we are always open to change and constantly striving to find new and better ways of protecting local communities and the wider environment.
Our commitment to challenging and improving the way we work is set out in our Strategic Plan and Improvement Plans that under Welsh Government legislation is required to be produced in two stages:
This looks forward and is produced after the start of the financial year and sets out the activities we plan to undertake from April onwards in order to bring about improvement.
This sets out our commitment to the communities of South Wales for the next ten years. It is a single strategic plan incorporating the longer-term community and organisational challenges (Strategic Themes), with shorter-term service improvements (Objectives) required to support and complement our longer term focus.
This provides an annual update on how we performed and what we achieved in the preceding year (ending 31st March) along with what we plan to do during next year (starting 1st April). It must be published on or before 31st October each year.