We are excited to announce that we’re hosting ‘Work Out with the Watch’ sessions!

Work Out with the Watch will provide insight into firefighting roles and station life, as well as giving you the opportunity to test your abilities and ask any questions you may have about the role.

These sessions are perfect for anyone interested in an On-Call or Wholetime Duty System Firefighter role at South Wales Fire and Rescue Service.

You’ll meet with crews and try a number of fitness tests, drills and work outs – so please wear appropriate kit and don’t forget to bring water!

We have a session running in –

  • Caldicot

If you are no longer able to attend the session you have booked, for any reason, please let us know so we can reallocate the place by contacting: media@southwales-fire.gov.uk

Failure to attend without notifying the team in advance may result in you not being able to register for similar events in the future.


Your Details:

Do You Consider Yourself:

Please tick the box and press submit to register:

Caldicot Fire Station